Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Continuing On......

So, here is the rest of my trip to Florida:

New Orleans:

It rained a lot!!  So I stayed dry and comfy....
Watched a little TV....
And went to this cool park when it stopped raining!!!  See how good I am sitting?!?!? Loose leash and everthing!!
Panama City Beach:

 I didn't get to go here......can't imagine why!!??
Man, by these pictures, you would think I didn't get to do anything!  Not true!  It's just that mom is a little limited in her ability to control my poundage and a camera at the same time!!  I can't imagine that....I am such a good boy! ;)
We finally arrived home to our new digs in Florida.   Everything was way OK for about an hour or so.....THEN::::::
The "dog" (Neeko) is now 9.5 pounds at the terrible (for me) puppy age of 6 months!  He only weighed 1.5 pounds when he was 6 weeks old!  I think he is an alien!
The "cat" (Shadow) is only 7 pounds!  I gave her this fine "Neeko-proof-hiding-place" just a little while ago...she really likes that the little guy ignores her here!!  
Let's see - 9.5 pounds + 7 poundsd = I can sit on them and they can't do a thing about it!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Next up:  Who knows...maybe our new improved (bigger) Dogtopia pool, our trip to Charleston, or just me hanging with the new zoo in Florida!
Bark at ya soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Hey Ya'all!

Wow!  Has it been a long time or what?!  I have so much to tell and show you!  Last you heard, I was moving!  And indeed I did!  I have been quite the "jet setting" guy recently.  OK, "car jetting" guy really, but I am not complaining - much!!  So, here was my last day in the GST at my house - See a few boxes?? BORING STUFF watching mom put all of our stuff in them!!

I tried to tell mom she wasn't doing it right, but did she listen to me??  NOPE!

A video was supposed to be posted here of me telling her what I thought, but she isn't learning her new computer that good....she burned out the last one working off my kibble bill!!

Here was my last day (and night) at Dogtopia!!!::::  Man, do I miss that place sometimes!

Here was moms last night in the GST:  (who had it better??!)

ME ME ME ME ME ME ME - of course!!
So, off we start - all by ourselves!!  Our first stop was only around the corner!  She didn't know that I would be a good traveler!  So she kept our excursion in town on our first day!!  I loved my bed and my room and got used to the sounds pretty quickly.
The next day we were off for our great adventure that we had discussed in detail the night before!  
We drove for what seemed like FOREVER!  Mom told me it was only a "little jaunt" to go and pick up my friend Dee.  Well, it seemed like much longer until I saw her!!!  She flew in an airplane all the way from Florida - to be my personal travel companion and tug-of-war buddie.  No one should have to travel 1,200  miles without this type of personal service, let me tell you.  Whoo Hoo!!
So, here we are in HOUSTON!  Thank heavns we are still in the GST!! 
I think this traveling stuff is going to be a pice of cake at this point!  What more could I want!  Ok, maybe I am hungry now that I mentioned the cake thing.....
That's it for now.....still to come.....Lousiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina!!  Told you I am a "traveling" doggie now!!
And we won't even mention all of the "gator" signs I have to pay attention still hasn't told me what a gator is, but advises me that they are not for playing...
Bark at ya soon with more of my grand adventure!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Miss Me???

Wow!  It has been almost 4 months since I have tied down my mom to post for me!  She has been working on things called "system conversion" and "year end" and has been working STUPID hours!!  I have the evidence above!  What does she think I am?  A desk for her to use at her leisure??

Luckily, I get to go have fun while she does what she does!  Dogtopia LOVES me!!

Now, her last deadline was today, so now she is going to relax!!

I had hoped! NOPE!  Was I wrong!   

I have been advised today that we are now going to pack up all of my things and move!  To FLORIDA!  Where is that??  She showed me on a map, and told me it was another HOT place 1,000 miles away, but it wouldn't be as hot as is here is the GST.  Yea, right...I don't believe her.

Then she tells me that we are going to move in with a couple of friends for a month or two until she gets her own place...I don't know if I am going to like this!

Hmmm.....the black thing she tells me is a "Kat".  She then tells me the other thing is a "dog".

This is a dog??  Really??  He is the same size as the Kat!  I am told he ALMOST weighs 5 pounds.  I weigh 85 pounds.  You do the math.  I hope I don't squish him!!  (He is cute, and SMART!  At least that is what mom says...I will reserve judgement until I meet him!)

She has told me that once we get to the Florida place, I will be able to play in water bigger than the pools here in Texas.  I don't know if I will like that, but I guess we are off for a new adventure!  At least she won't be working 24/7!  That, I am excited about!

So, now, I don't know how much I can get her to post in the coming month or two, but she will document my FIRST EVER long road trip and all of the places that we see on our way to the "Sunny" state of Florida....and my first trip to the Ocean...what ever that is!!  I wonder if I can get room service at the Ocean?  That would be GREAT!

Bark at ya later!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Way to Go Baylor! & Springtime

No, I'm not bragging about myself here.  
Just want to  congratulate the Baylor Lady Bears!  Whoo Hoo!

Ahhh...The flowers I didn't get to roll in!:

There are lots more Texas flowers in my back yard that I DO GET to roll in. Unfortunately, my person isn't to keen on this activity for some reason!



Monday, April 2, 2012

How Embarrassing!

The things I have to do so my person can make the kibble funds....

OK, I have fun too, but really?  Did you actually have to share THIS one??



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Scary First for Me!

Boy, it's been a while, huh?  My person says it is because of that thing she has to do to buy me foodables - something about budgets, conversions, month end, "ya da, ya da, ya da, blah, blah, blah" - that's what I hear!

Well, we had the major rains last night!  It was quite the light and sound show!  I have never seen this type of show before here in the Great State of Texas in my whole entire life!!  I have never been scared of this stuff before, but last night was different!  And it lasted ALL NIGHT LONG!  Well....most of the night anyway!

My person even let me try and sleep on the "big" doggie bed with her....which I have NEVER done before!  She didn't get much sleep between trying to take care of me and watching the news guys to make sure we weren't going to go visit "Dorothy in Oz" and all, but we made it through the night!

Unfortunately, the roof started to "relieve" itself in the kitchen and make the floors all wets.  I told her it wasn't me - but she almost didn't believe me!!!  I mean, I was scared, but really???

Well, I tried to get some good pictures this morning of the after-math of the rains, but the picture I wanted to take could not be taken!  The roads I take to get out and about were all washed up and blocked off!  I couldn't get near them!!!  Maybe tomorrow?  I hope the rains stay away tonight - it looks like they may according to the news guys...should we believe them?

I do have to admit, I did like the "big" doggie bed last night!  Wonder if I can figure out a way to get up there again tonight!?

"Rain, rain, stay away, come again some other day!"  and more calmly if you please.......



Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Abstract Masterpiece!

I don't think it is abstract, but it is a masterpiece!!
More fridge art!  Yea!!

I also won a FREE bath!  Wait!  Huh?  Why would I be excited about that?  My person sure is!  I don't know what she is all excited about!  I am very clean already!  After all, I wash my face, my paws and behind my ears  in the wet, clean, lush grass muddy, Texas wildflowers (edit by the person) in my back yard EVERY morning after my foodables!!

Bark at ya later!


Sunday, February 26, 2012


My "French" spelling is not so good I guess.  Lincoln had to correct me!  OK, not me, but my person!

Look for a different entry from my person with CORRECT spelling (maybe) in the near future!

Until then, Woofs!

UPDATE!  She snuck an edit in!  Now my entry is spelled correctly and no one knows!!!  Ooppsss, I guess everyone knows now!!!  (Man, she is picky!!)


Friday, February 24, 2012

Baby steps....

So, I am trying something new!

Here is my entry in the " French Craze Contest"  hosted by Lincoln!  Lincoln's Contest

So, the person isn't that creative yet...but she is trying!!!

Woof!  I mean "le Woof"!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm Drowning!

OK, it just seems like it.  The rains are spitting water all over the place!  I am so beside myself!  The pink towels are out WAY too much!  I can't even bring myself to show you the torture I am now going through.  My person is also dusting off the 'dirt devil' cause when I get wet, I dry off and then shed like leaves in the fall!  What a mess!  :)  (I do it on purpose, don't ya know...)

But, on my walk today, we did see some work that just had to be the work of evil least that is what my she suggested!!  Here in the Great State of Texas - I ask?  She ignored me, and we continued on through the rains...What is a beaver I ask?  She again ignores me...

Pictures maybe tomorrow!  If we don't drown on our walkie in the morning!  (Tell her the flashy beast will live with a few rain drops...otherwise, you may never see me again!)



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bird on a Wire

Ok, lot of birds on lots of wires!  My she has asked about these birds, but the folks around here don't know much about them!  I think she is asking the wrong people!  So, she did some research.  She thinks these flying guys are called "Grackles".  They are quite loud and have a variety of sounds.  All she knows is their poopies are toxic!  At least to the paint job on my ride!  She already has to find a repair shop cause she didn't know their "business" would eat the paint!  They also have no fear!  They walk all around on the ground around peoples and especially enjoy jumping on my ride!

She is quite facinated by these guys - expecially when they congregate in VERY large groups - anywhere they please!  Then, they seem to get bored sitting around and have to do a fly-by before re-landing where they were.  Guess they just need their exercise!

Be sure to wash your cars often if you come to the Great State of Texas!!



Better Late than Never!

A Very Special message for our friends at "Romping and Rolling in the Rockies"!

Hey everyone, go on over and visit K and KB - wish them a " belated " Valenties day and enjoy all of the glorious pictures of Colorado and the wildlife - including pics K and R!  Romping and Rolling in the Rockies!

Truly inspirational blog!  It is our "must read" every evening!  And that bad old "C" better go away soon!



Roads to ???

This was my ride to my big day yesterday.... 

Where are you going???  Slow down!!!  Follow the yellow line!!!
For crying out loud, turn off the flashy beast!!!

Yup - A one lane flyover with railings and drop-offs!!  My she got me where we were supposed to be though!  But I had to hide my eyes!  She is CRAZY!

Anyone want to adopt a Golden?



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

It was a fun, fun, fun day!  But I am so tired!  I am almost asleep on my feet!  But, look at my cool bandana!

Hurry....I am sliding down to my sleep position.....

This is my bag....My person didn't personalize one
for me cause she was a slacking, so Dogtopia made one for me!

OK, this one smells yummy - but did you have to show off my loot to everyone?
What if someone wants to rob me of all of my foodable treats!?

I am really a bit tired after today....seriously, I can't eat a thing.

Good night.  Wake me when I wake up.

Oh, but wait....this one does smell delish!  It's from my friends
Marlo and Buddy!

OK, are we done with the flashy beast now?  Please?

Whoo Hoo!  I WILL start with this one from Marlo and Buddy.
Thank you very much!
I hope you all have a great Valentines day like I did!  Whoo Hoo!

Bark at ya later!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Tomorrow is the BIG day!

So, here are my Valentines for of my furried and two legger friends at Dogtopia for tomorrow.
Whoo Hoo!  I want to give each of my friends a special personalized card!
EACH and EVERYONE of my buddies!

"Fold Tab A and Tab B in opposite directions creating Slot C and Opening D.
Connect Tab A to Slot C, only if Tab B is a dog.  If Tab B is a Kitty, walk away slowly and just call it a day.
You don't really have to do anything with Opening D.  It is just for show.
Be sure to include dietary information of all treats for puppy safety.  Make pretty with ribbons!!! "

Huh?  I give up!   How do Augie and Ti do this!!!

I can't make the ribbons equal lengths! Stuck in my eye!  Help!

OK - I am handsome, and can give up.  So I am...My contract says so.
It's all up to she!   Better get my cards right!

I supervise, but the production line is all over the place!
Even my 'place' is not sacred anymore!  I can't even do my 'evening relaxation'!

You have to be close to being have been at it for 6 hours!
I know I am good looking and everything, but I don't have THAT many buddies!


Ahhh.   Thank You....
I worked way too hard for my Valentines party tomorrow!  Whew!  Glad I am done!

Bark at ya later! And "Power to the Paw".


Friday, February 10, 2012

Life is Ruff....

Just another work week for me here!  I am sure glad sad it is over!  My week started out simply enough...Tummy Rub Tuesday at Dogtopia!

Psst - Baylor - Don't look now but Rambo is getting a tummy rub!
Not bad....tummy rub in my castle....
Ah, now this is more like it!  Rambo, It is NOT your turn yet....
Your getting in the way of the hands!
The two handed tummy rub!  The best!
OK, how many pups have to supervise my tummy rub?!
I'll take this!  At least there is no puppy supervision
to distract the hands!  This guy is good!  
How fun was that!!!  I vote we have "Tummy Rub Tuesdays" every day!!!  OK, OK, just the days I am there will be fine by me!

So - my person is going to take me out this weekend and explain to me what the big "to-do" is about the big hills in Colorado.  I will let you know what I find out! Can't be that big of a deal, can it???

Bark at ya later!
